How To Diagnose Your Brake Issues

Not knowing when your brakes are failing can be scary, as neglecting to obtain brake repairs and services on time can create further and costly damages to your brake system over time. Although it would be helpful to have an icon on your dashboard that symbolizes that your brakes need maintenance, there are ways that you can manage and understand when it is time to obtain brake care services on your own. So, to be sure you know when your brakes are failing, you will want to look for signs of:

Grinding Noises While Slowing:

When pressing on your brake pedal, do you ever hear grinding sounds come from your brake system? If so, then this can mean that it is time to replace your brake pads. Brake pads that have little to no padding left on them expose the metal plate that is underneath all the padding. If your brake rotors come in contact with this metal plate, then this can be the cause of the grinding noises that you hear. Replacing your brake pads as soon as any noise is presented is critical and can save you from major brake damages.

Lack of Response from Brake Pedal:

Do you have to press down pretty hard just to get your vehicle to slow? If so, you may have issues with your brake fluid. Air can sometimes enter your brake fluid line, which can create issues with your brake pedal and cause it to become less responsive to your touch. Taking your car into a shop when this issue occurs will allow your current brake fluid to be flushed out of the braking system, so you can have new fluid installed without any air bubbles sneaking into the fluid line.

Shakiness When Using Your Brakes:

If your car shakes when you hit your brakes, then this can likely be a more pressing issue that you will want to take care of immediately. Shakiness when pressing your brakes can be a sign that your rotors are warped. Rotors that come in contact with brake pads that have little to no padding on them can become warped due to the metal plate in the brake pad that creates scratches and grooves in your rotors. Brake pads will have a difficult time latching onto uneven rotors, which can cause the shakiness that you feel when you begin slowing your vehicle down.

By checking for these signs, you will likely be able to diagnose your braking issue on your own, which can save you from taking your car in when it may not be necessary. So, to ensure you do not encounter major and costly brake damages, be sure to take advantage of these signs, as they will definitely help you obtain brake replacements and repairs before potential issues escalate tremendously. Contact a company like Fleet Services for more information.
